Adult Lecture Series: Mindfulness, More Than Good Medicine
Presented by Parker Arts
Oct 2, 2019 The PACE CenterSpeaker: Dr. Peggy Sheehan, Physican at Kaiser and Director of Zen Center of Denver
Dr. Peggy Sheehan, a graduate of Johns Hopkins Medical School, is a pediatrician who has been in practice for over 30 years. She is a long time meditator who co-directs the Zen Center of Denver and teaches MBSR (Mindfulness-based stress reduction) for Kaiser Permanente. The MBSR program is an evidenced based program developed at UMass medical school starting in 1979. She has been facilitating this program for the past 15 years. Dr. Sheehan’s presentation will be an overview of mindfulness and the MBSR program- what, why and how, the research, benefits, and some practices.
About the Adult Lecture Series
The Parker Cultural and Scientific Commission is pleased to present talks on topics that impact Colorado citizens and residents of Douglas County. The intent of these talks is to increase the understanding of how arts, science and technology affect current and future issues facing our community, and provide the opportunity to learn and discuss a variety of trending topics.
All lectures take place at PACE Center and are FREE and open to the public. We like to anticipate the number of guests attending, so although an RSVP is not required, it is appreciated. Please RSVP via email, Sign Up Genius, or phone at 303.805.6800.